an evening with penis graphic

Part of the Festival of Independent Theatres opening August 2


An Evening with Penis, by Robert Buckley

Join us for a tongue-in-cheek evening with one of the world’s most talked-about organs! You’ll learn more than you ever wanted to know as Penis takes the stage in this interactive celebration of manhood’s most controversial symbol. At once Shakespearean and sassy, crude and classy, Penis will win your hearts and warm your cockles, as you examine the trials and tribulations of day-to-day life as Penis!”

Festival Runs Aug 2-24 at Theatre Three

Festival of Independent Theatres logo Theatre Three logo

Pegasus Theatre produces new and original comedies to inspire and cultivate North Texas artists and to entertain, enlighten, and engage our community.


Get the exciting new game of Murder Mystery Theatre Production inspired by Pegasus Theatre, featuring 2 Living Black & White™ productions.

Pegasus Theatre

Past Productions

At Pegasus Theatre, we love new comedies! Here’s a complete listing of 36 years and over 100 of our shows!

Living Black & White™

Pegasus Theatre’s signature style! Learn all about the continuing adventures of intrepid detective Harry Hunsacker.

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Pegasus News

Meet Scott Nixon

This big teddy bear has been our full time Harry Hunsacker since December 2016 and we couldn’t be happier! Scott’s introduction to theatre came at the end of his high school years. He was looking for extracurricular activities, having rejected the idea of sports for...

Meet Erik McCullough

Erik McCullough has worked with us for five years now and became our Technical Director a year ago for “Clowning Around With Murder!” Like a few others on the team, he makes his living primarily in the arts, working for the Dallas Opera, the Santa Fe Opera, and...

Meet Kyle Strickland

Kyle Strickland came to us with glowing recommendations and they are well-earned! Kyle’s interest in technical theatre began many years ago. He got involved in theatre at his school, but he wanted more. So Kyle did what anyone with a curious mind does. He reached out,...

Meet Sam Nance

Sam Nance has an encyclopedic mind, and we are grateful that he reserves a chapter for the secrets of our Living Black and White lighting! But Sam is more than a lighting guy. He has also been an actor, theatre producer, small business owner, and teacher. A man of...

Meet Marc Rouse!

Marc Rouse has spent his entire life in creative endeavors, if you don’t count the four years he spent in the Marine Corps. Yes, that’s right, THE MARINE CORPS. How badass is that?! Marc’s creative expression began in a kindergarten play and continued through high...