Beth Lipton
Beth Lipton is a newcomer to the Pegasus stage, but she is no stranger to the theatre! Read all about this talented young artist below.
How long have you been involved in theatre?
I performed in my first show when I was six, but I’ve been dancing since I was three, and embarrassing myself long before that. [Editor’s note: Having seen Beth dance, I can promise there is nothing embarrassing about it.]
How long have you been involved with Pegasus Theatre?
This is my first Pegasus experience, and it’s a delight! I guess, officially, you might say I’ve been involved since the beginning of October when I got the great news about this production.
Any favorite moments so far with Pegasus that stand out for you?
I don’t know that it’s the big moments so much as it is the little things – communing over rehearsal snacks, the bumpin’ party that is the women’s dressing room, and fancily raptor-walking to the underscoring. Or maybe it’s matching wits with Chad Cline and pretending I can hold my own. It’s really having found a wonderful new pocket of a theatre family. That’s my favorite thing of all. [Editor’s note: Our favorite moment with Beth was hearing her version of Julie Andrews at auditions. Amazing!]
You’re currently in performances for Death Is a Bad Habit! Tell us something interesting about the performance period, perhaps something you especially like about them, or a favorite moment?
I *know* it’s a stupid laugh, but every single time Sheila says, “And DEM,” is the greatest thing. I laughed the first time, and the next time, and the next, and the only reason I’m not laughing now is because you’d hear my cackle backstage.
What do you do when you aren’t working with Pegasus?
I work across the street from the Eisemann Center! I help teachers and students noodle their way around online education programs, and, in a small-world kind of way, with actual family of my cast family! But I also choreograph and cosplay around the DFW area, which gives me great joy.
Looking back at all your experiences, who would you say has influenced you the most in your theatrical career?
It’s really, REALLY hard to name a single person. For now, I’ll go with Paula Dawson, my first acting professor in college back at OCU. This woman, the best kind of crazy, taught me the technique as well as the sheer magic of what we do. She pushed me to find a process and work smarter, building my career as I go with strong choices, to not fear looking stupid (the worst thing for my type-A-ness), doing a strange project, or abandoning the other interests that keep me human, and not just an actor. And she believed in me a great deal, which was an incredible gift.
What comes next for you?
I’m currently choreographing Tick, Tick…BOOM! at Onstage in Bedford, and after that, a break to heal, rest, and recuperate. So, friends, if you have comp tickets, I’ll finally be free to use every one of them! Let me love you and your work (maybe for free).
See Beth as “Sister Grace” in Death is a Bad Habit! running through January 24, 2016 at the Eisemann Center in Richardson. To purchase tickets, call 972-744-4650 or visit www.eisemanncenter.com