Samantha Rodriguez
It is a genuine pleasure to work with Sam, whether it’s on stage or behind the scenes. Here’s what she has to say about her theatre experiences:
How long have you been involved in theatre?
Practically my whole life! I made my first appearance on stage as Little Bunny Fufu in the first grade. My elementary/middle school had a drama program and I was fortunate to earn a spot at the performing arts high school.
How long have you been involved with Pegasus Theatre?
I first auditioned in fall 2010 for Death Is No Small Change! and found myself working back stage as the women’s dressing room supervisor and as the wardrobe supervisor. Death is a Bad Habit! is my 5th Pegasus show.
Any favorite moments so far with Pegasus that stand out for you?
I’m pretty proud to lay claim to having both costume-designed The Frequency of Death! and having acted for the company in Death is a Bad Habit!
You’re currently in performances for Death is a Bad Habit! Tell us something interesting about your experience, perhaps something you have especially enjoyed or a favorite moment.
This is my first time working on a new Living Black & White™ show, where I experienced the “black pages.” [Editor’s note: When Mr. Kleinmann writes a new comedy-murder mystery, he reserves the final scene in which the identity of the murderer is revealed until late in the rehearsal process. This technique ensures that everyone acts guilty because no one knows whether or not they are the murderer! The final pages are delivered to the cast in black envelopes and have come to be known as the “black pages”.]
Not knowing the end of the play for the majority of the rehearsal period really kept me on my toes. After each rehearsal I found myself dissecting how the evening went, trying to sniff out guilt in my castmates’ delivery of a line or facial expression.
Also, it’s been such a joy to share a scene with the Pegasus regulars. Having worked the dressing room/back stage with Leslie, Chad, Kurt, and Ben over the years I am so excited to bring that rapport out in front of the lights.
What do you do when you aren’t working with Pegasus?
Currently I’m in transition. Previously I’ve been a free-lance costumer in the DFW area since 2008. Now I’m exploring a new platform for my visual talents. I’ve recently completed my schooling / state certification to be an esthetician and am pursuing avenues in the paramedical tattooing field.
Looking back at all your experiences, who would you say has influenced you the most in your theatrical career?
I was very fortunate to attend an undergrad program which fostered both my design and acting interests. I was a performance major who took all the costume classes and was hair / makeup designing shows. My junior year I was in the cast of and did the hair / makeup design for a production of 1918. Initially the director was concerned with my dual duties, but the faculty stood by me. As a young artist testing the waters, that level of support really made an impact. I’m quite sure that without those years of nurturing, my subsequent professional career would not be the same.
What comes next for you?
My goal for 2016 is to create more visual art. I enjoy portrait painting, and I plan to further my education in the world of medical esthetics.
See Samantha as “Sister Maria” in Death is a Bad Habit! running through January 24, 2016 at the Eisemann Center in Richardson. To purchase tickets, call 972-744-4650 or visit www.eisemanncenter.com