Art Kedzierski, Managing Director
Effective October 22, Art Kedzierski joins Pegasus Theatre’s staff as their Managing Director. In this capacity he will oversee all administrative functions of the theatre, such as Marketing, Patron Services, and Fundraising.
Mr. Kedzierski holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in Theatre (Performance and Management). He interned at Theatre Three and has an extensive theatre career spanning 30 years. Most recently he has performed at numerous local theatres such as Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, Pegasus Theatre, and Uptown Players. He is also a talented application developer with a telecommunications equipment provider.
Prior to his appointment as Pegasus Theatre’s Managing Director, Mr. Kedzierski was the co-lead of the theatre’s Social Media Marketing effort and was the principal architect and developer of Pegasus Theatre’s new website, launched in November 2013.
Says Artistic Director Kurt Kleinmann, “I am eager to work more closely with Art on a number of projects. He brings talent, energy, and enthusiasm to all his work. I expect great things to come from his contributions to Pegasus Theatre.”