Sheila Rose
We asked Sheila Rose, who plays Mother Superior in our upcoming play, Death Is a Bad Habit!, to tell us a little about herself:
How long have you been involved in theatre?
I’ve been officially involved with local theatre for 11 yrs after a long, long, LONG hiatus from HS theatre. (Editor’s note: Not THAT long! Sheila is still a young actor in our book!)
How long have you been involved with Pegasus Theatre?
The first time I donned the gray was A Critical Case of Murder! in January 2007, and I had stage managed both productions done by ICT in 2005 and 2006. Of special note: I have worked with all 3 Harry Hunsackers: the great Kurt Kleinmann, his understudy Scott Nixon, and the late Rudy Seppy.
Any favorite moments so far with Pegasus that stand out for you?
Yes, each time I was called and offered a part. Ask Kurt… I think I left him half deaf in one ear for a week when I was offered the role of Florence Rice in 2014! I am also a big fan of the style of the period and the makeup effect onstage. What a unique experience for our audience!
You’re currently in rehearsals for Death Is a Bad Habit! Tell us something interesting about rehearsals, perhaps something you especially like about them, or a favorite moment?
I enjoy deviating from the types of characters I normally play. This ride has been especially fun! And I cannot express how wonderful it is to work with such a gifted group of actors and a fantastic director so committed to the art and the style of the period.
What do you do when you aren’t working with Pegasus?
I am Vice President of Human Resources for a prominent health and wellness company.
Looking back at all your experiences, who would you say has influenced you the most in your theatrical career?
It’s hard to narrow that down to one person so I won’t. It’s been a multitude of directors, fellow actors and producers who have really shaped the actor I am today: Kathleen Freeman and the 1945 code of ethics for the Circle Players Company of Los Angeles; my mom who said “Just do it” and my dad who said “Break a leg”; Carol Burnett, Lucille Ball, Gilda Radner and Rosalind Russell.
What comes next for you?
Aside from year end and the production of W2s and 1095s at my day job… who knows? But I am hoping for and looking forward to my next theatrical adventure, and as always my next opportunity with Pegasus. They are like family and I am very fortunate.
See Sheila in the world premiere of Death is a Bad Habit! Opening New Year’s Eve at the Eisemann Center in Richardson. To purchase tickets, call 972-744-4650 or visit www.eisemanncenter.com