Alex Moore
Meet the beautiful and talented Alex Moore! She has been a welcome addition to the Pegasus family for a number of years now. I remember her first audition for us — she fit the style like a hand in a glove! Check out today’s blog for more about Alex’s life in the theatre.
How long have you been involved in theatre?
Both my parents were actors and technicians, so I grew up with and in theatre. My Halloween costumes were the best. My parents would say my first involvement was “in utero,” as Hamlet’s half-sister (Mom was a very pregnant Gertrude). I made the choice to be an actor back in 2003 and received my MFA in Theatre in 2011.
How long have you been involved with Pegasus Theatre?
2012 was my first Living Black and White™ show, XSR:DIE! Been hooked ever since. This is my fourth LBW show.
Any favorite moments so far with Pegasus that stand out for you?
Too many! The first time I was in makeup and Barbara came out in the red dress. Just hanging out in the green room during intermission, watching everyone riff off of each other. I started building a Cards Against Pegasus deck with in-jokes from backstage and rehearsal. Oh yeah… I got engaged at the New Year’s Eve cast party a couple of years ago. We just got married a couple of months ago.
You’re currently in rehearsals for Death Is a Bad Habit! Tell us something interesting about rehearsals, perhaps something you especially like about them, or a favorite moment?
I’ve never been part of a show where I was playing a character no one had yet played. It’s daunting to try to develop a character while still not having the whole script. You don’t know if part of the backstory in your head will conflict with information you haven’t seen, or what you’ll have to change once you do have it.
What do you do when you aren’t working with Pegasus?
Waiting for the next one. I pass the time with Texas Star Dinner Theatre in Grapevine and I work as a voice actor with FUNimation! being a cartoon. I attend conventions to sign stuff, and nerd all over everything.
Looking back at all your experiences, who would you say has influenced you the most in your theatrical career?
My parents, hands down. It’s hokey, but it’s true. Since they were actors, they knew the joys and the hardships of living that “show folk” life. And when I told them I wanted to study and be an actor, they told me “You know you’re going to be broke forever.” It wasn’t a problem to me. And since I grew up in it, I knew that you had to know all the jobs, or at least enough to respect the work technicians and designers do. You can’t be “just an actor.”
Have your parents given you any pearls of wisdom regarding theatre life or acting?
“Get it in writing” and “If they’re talking about your shoes, you’re doing something wrong.”
What comes next for you?
Next year, next show! Working with TSDT and FUNimation some more (hopefully). Working on the Harrypedia, a project I’ve taken on to take a dramaturg’s look at Kurt’s body of work in the Living Black & White™ shows.
See Alex in the world premiere of Death is a Bad Habit! Opening New Year’s Eve at the Eisemann Center in Richardson. To purchase tickets, call 972-744-4650 or visit www.eisemanncenter.com