Just two kids in love.
It might seem odd for a theatre devoted to comedy to care about love, but we’ve always walked a little off the beaten path! As most of our veteran audience members know, Kurt Kleinmann (Harry Hunsacker) and Barb Weinberger (The Lady in Red) have been married for many years (23 at last count!) and love has been part of the fuel that has driven our determination to succeed.
In honor of this year’s Valentine’s Day, we offer you our 10 favorite Valentine’s gifts.
- Homemade breakfast NOT in bed! Having someone make breakfast for you is heavenly. Seeing it strewn about your bed linens? Not so much. Make a scrumptious breakfast and eat it in a civilized manner. You could make it extra special with a bouquet of flowers, be it from a Dandenong florist or even made yourself. That little extra flair will help set the romantic mood for the day.
- Wine. Specifically, Clos Pegase wine. Why? Initially we bought it for the uber cool Pegasus painting on the label. Now we buy it because it’s superb wine. A bottle of Cab will run you around $37 at Spec’s. Indulge!
- Promises. You may have done this as a child: written handmade coupons redeemable for chores or favors. It’s still a thoughtful gift for all ages. It forces you to put yourself in the mindset of the gift recipient. What would THEY like? One year my coupons for Kurt included “15 minutes of sympathetic understanding.” Your choices are limited only by your imagination.
- Lingerie. It’s the perfect gift, if you choose wisely. It’s impractical, it’s something someone is unlikely to buy for themselves, and it benefits you both.
- Massage. Nope, not the kind you get from a professional masseur. I’m talking a home grown massage, and not a sexual one so get your minds out of the gutter! Study after study confirms the power of touch in nurturing connections. This Valentine’s Day, use the power of touch to say “I love you.”
- Laughter is an amazing gift. Tickets to a comedy club or to a comedy theatre could be a great idea. It has physical and emotional health benefits. And the time you spend laughing together strengthens your bond. It’s why Pegasus Theatre is devoted exclusively to comedies. We love to make people laugh!
- A mix tape. This will never go out of style. It’ll probably be a CD, a Spotify playlist or even a USB with a compilation of your favourite songs – the principle is the same. Tell someone how you feel about them through your choice of songs. Works with friends and family too, not just romantic lovers. Connect your music to your home theater system (https://www.vizio.com/en/sound-bar/elevate is a good place to start your search) and enjoy the day with a glass of your favorite wine and some delicious food. There is nothing better than reliving the good ol’ days with your partner or a loved one!
- A day of no electronics. Yep, set aside all electronic devices and focus on each other for a day. I hear rumors that people used to do this in the Dark Ages before the advent of the Internet. Who knows what you crazy kids will come up with?
- Scented anything (perfume, candles, incense, etc). Our sense of smell is an extraordinary thing. It’s more strongly linked to memory than any other sense. You could even turn up the spice a little with some female or male pheromones that neither of you will be able to resist. So make some new memories and preserve the moment in your brain through your olfactory system!
- And the number 1 Valentine’s Day gift is… Do something nice for yourself. Remember that it’s hard to truly connect with someone else if you don’t first love yourself. And “love” is an active verb, so I mean DO something that will bring a smile to your face!
Note that only a few of these ideas are specifically geared towards couples. This Valentine’s Day, think of others in your life for whom you have affection, friends, family. Let them know you’re thinking of them. And have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!