Paula (L) and Jim (R) Rhea with some the cast of "Death is a Bad Habit"

Paula (L) and Jim (R) Rhea with some the cast of “Death is a Bad Habit”

Read all about some of our favorite fans, the Rheas!

It’s always a delight to see you at our shows! How long have you been coming to see Pegasus Theatre’s productions?

Paula:  Since the mid-90s. I believe my first show was XSR: Die!…and I was totally hooked!

Jim:  Since 2008.  My first show was Full Moon Murders!

What keeps you coming back each year?

Paula:  Clean, clever Kleinmann comedy!

Jim:  Reliable transportation!  But seriously it’s the magic of being immersed in a black and white production along with hilarious dialogue delivered by a talented cast.  Facial expressions, posturing, and the delicate timing involved delivering the lines effectively plus the various sets never cease to amaze, delight, and entertain me!

Are there any special moments that stand out for you in the shows you’ve seen?

Paula:  Any and every time the brass stabs “dun-dun-DUUUUN” and the cast does that full-on melodramatic freeze-frame/turn stage right/turn stage left thing – I’m in my happy place!

Jim:  Every moment is special – there is nothing like a black and white production to be found anywhere.  I’m mesmerized from start to finish of every one of them!  I like the back-and-forth between Foster & Harry as well as the way Nigel manages to humbly work towards a solution while allowing Harry to think he figured it out on his own.

Tell us a little about the two of you. What are your vocations and avocations?

Paula:  I’m a professional babysitter executive assistant by day and a Texas Rangers fan/cross stitch wizard by night.

Jim:  I’m an I.T. professional by day and a movie addict buff by night.  While we haven’t watched broadcast programming since 1992 (no cable/satellite/etc.) our DVD/Blu-Ray collection is quite large…I could literally watch a different movie from it every night for 4-5 years!

If you could pick one Pegasus show to have us bring back, which one would it be?

Paula:  The Color of Death! because I don’t think I’ve seen it and Death/Take:1! because I know I haven’t seen it.

Jim:  That’s a hard question to answer.  I’m torn between Full Moon Murders! because of the transition from a projected black and white film to a black and white set (not to mention Harry as The Lone Ranger!) and Death Express! because of the absolutely amazing set.

Anything else you’d like to tell our audience about your family or your experiences at Pegasus?

Paula:  We’re cat people who haven’t owned a television in decades and LOVE live performances, both theatrical and musical…and by ‘musical’ (at least in Jim’s case) I mean rock ‘n’ roll, not Broadway. J

Jim:  I can’t imagine a December/January without a black and white production to attend!  We haven’t missed a year since we got married in 2008.  There is simply no adequate way to describe it to friends and family…it’s something that must be experienced in person to fully appreciate!

Title_BadHabit_color_tightSee Death is a Bad Habit! running through January 24, 2016 at the Eisemann Center in Richardson. To purchase tickets, call 972-744-4650 or visit