It takes a pretty large village to produce a Pegasus Theatre Living Black and White(tm) show! Read about our incredible production team and backstage and dressing room crew. Then go buy tickets at https://www.eisemanncenter.com/events/v/list/m/12/y/2021! Pegasus Theatre has a couple of philosophies that drive our staffing practices for each show. No one in the cast, crew, or production team works for free. No one gets rich either. We try to compensate everyone with a fee that’s respectful of the work they do. People work best when they’re allowed to focus on what they do best. So we try not to combine roles. We don’t, for example, ask the cast to help strike the set or style their own wigs. We have people for that! This means that behind the scenes we have a professional production team and a professional crew whose job it is to make everything run like clockwork. They are highly skilled at what they do, and we couldn’t produce without them! THE PRODUCTION TEAM The production team has finished most of its work by the time the show opens. This group of artists is responsible for the physical and technical aspects of the production. As you can imagine, each of them is critical to creating the overall Living Black and White(tm) effect. Here’s this year’s team: Production manager: Jared Culpepper Technical director: Erik McCullough Set designer: Rodney Dobbs Scenic artist: Emily Haueisen Props designer: Joey Dietz Lighting designer: Kyle Strickland Lighting consultant: Sam Nance Sound designer: Armando Monsivais Video director: Marc Rouse Costume designer: Michael Robinson Wig designer: Roy Turpin Makeup director: Leslie Patrick THE CREW Some of our crew is stationed backstage under the watchful eye of Backstage Manager Ben “Budji” Schroth. Some are stationed in the dressing room, helping actors prepare. Whatever their location, their job has the same goal: keep the action of the show moving at a crisp pace. Here’s this year’s crew: Production stage manager: John Harvey Backstage manager: Ben “Budji” Schroth Crew: Blake Hametner Crew: Aidan Wright Weapons manager: Ben “Budji” Schroth Safety officer: Aidan Wright Covid safety coordinator: Michelle Coleman DEI advocate: Diane Michelle Craft services: John Harvey Makeup: Christian Schmoker Makeup: Monique Munroe Makeup: Taylor Rossberg Wig tech: Jessi Chavez Wig tech: Nicole Bellin Men’s wardrobe: Chris Edwards Women’s wardrobe: Ray-Nita Powell Data entry: Chuck Moore Merchandise: Gwen Pallas Merchandise: Hank Henry So sit back and enjoy the show! You’re in good hands!