Marc Rouse
It’s time again to profile some of the talented people we work with! Today we focus on the multi-talented Marc Rouse. Read all about him, then buy tickets to hear him as the voice of Dr. Big in our RadioVizion™ production of The Frequency of Death! by Kurt Kleinmann.
How long have you been involved in theatre?
Basically, since kindergarten. I played a Jack-In-The-Box in a Christmas production at my elementary school. I even remember one of my lines to this day. In response to a query about who I was when I popped out of my box, I said, “I once was an elf, who lived by myself, on a mossy rock shelf.”
How long have you been involved with Pegasus Theatre?
My first show with Pegasus was The Frequency of Death! waaaaaay back in 2000-2001.
Any favorite moments so far with Pegasus that stand out for you?
So, during the 2008 production of Full Moon Murders!, I was understudy for both Lt. Foster and Nigel Grouse. I was scheduled for one performance as Foster. The day before that, I got a call around 2 p.m. that the actor normally portraying Nigel couldn’t make it. Well, I had been working so much getting ready to do Foster the next day, my lines and blocking for Nigel weren’t, shall we say, tip top. So, with the help of everybody, we were able to print out miniature versions of all Nigel’s lines and paste them in to a prop book. The conceit being, Nigel was bookish anyway, so he’d always have his nose in some novel, or something. With that assistance, I was able to get through the first act and most of the second. All that, though, wasn’t the most memorable part. You see, in the show, there was about a 15-minute gap where Nigel was offstage. So, along with intermission, Josh Glover helped me drill lines for the last scene so I could be off-book for that part. Anyway, it worked. So I made my entrance for the last scene, and I didn’t have my book with me. Of course the stage manager knew that and everything was fine with her, but the other actors didn’t really know what I was up to because they were all out on stage, you know, acting. The moment they all saw me without my book in my hands, I think I heard at least one gasp and definitely saw some substantially surprised/shocked faces. But we made it! [Editor’s note: It was a pretty spectacular accomplishment and a pleasure to watch!]
You have performed several functions for Pegasus: acting, video work, graphics work. Can you describe what you’ve done for the theatre in those different areas?
As far as acting, I’ve been in numerous productions for Pegasus at both their old Main Street digs and the Eisemann Center in Richardson. I’ve also done several animated opening title sequences for shows (It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder!, XSR:Die!) as well as assisting Phil Allen in recording performances on video. I’ve even helped build sets!
What do you do when you aren’t working with Pegasus?
I work for the American Heart Association at their national headquarters as Senior A/V Specialist. I also produce, shoot, edit and do special visual effects for independent film here in Dallas under the moniker, “Film Conspiracy Group” which I co-founded.
Looking back at all your experiences, who would you say has influenced you the most in your theatrical career?
That’s a tough one but, gun to my head, I’d have to say Mr. Ben Schroth (he knows why).
What comes next for you?
Work as usual for the AHA, but I also have a short film I just finished shooting and is now in the post-production phase. Additionally, I’ll be featured as the voice of “Dr. Big” in the latest RadioVizion™ staged reading of The Frequency of Death! It kind of feels a little like I’ve come full circle with this one!
Experience the magic of RadioVizion™ in The Frequency of Death! running March 25 through April 3, 2016 at the Bath House Cultural Center, with a special encore performance April 4, 2016 at the Eisemann Center in Richardson. Tickets on sale now!