
North Texas Giving Day (NTGD) falls on September 18 this year. At the end of the day, the Communities Foundation totals up how much was given and computes a percentage by which they match each donation.

Reason #1: Your money goes farther!

That’s a great reason to start with! But some of you may be thinking “I already give money every time I buy a ticket.” To be clear, we are grateful for every single ticket purchased to see one of our shows! So keep coming out!

Reason #2: Ensure Pegasus Theatre retains its non-profit status for years to come!

Sadly the IRS makes a big distinction between earned income (ticket sales) and donations. In their world, donations are the true measure of community support. And a group that can’t show community support through donations risks losing its non-profit status.

The TIMING is important too because we will shortly start incurring costs for the January black and white show, yet we won’t start receiving ticket revenue until December.

Reason #3: NTGD comes at a time when your donation will make the biggest difference.

We may make it look easy, but the behind-the-scenes reality is that producing live theatre is hard. So bringing the black-and-white world to life every year is always a struggle. We are absolutely committed to that struggle! Your help means we don’t face it alone.

Please consider making an annual gift of any amount to Pegasus this and every September. It’s an investment in the arts and in a unique annual tradition!