Meet Joey Dietz

Like so many boys in high school, Joey got involved with theatre because of a girl. That relationship didn’t work out, but it was the start of a lifelong love affair with theatre. Joey says he had plenty of other interests in high school (sports, choir, etc) but he...

Meet Beth Gilvie

Beth Gilvie has been performing since the age of three! She started with dance, then began her theatre career three years later when she was cast as Annie. It was fun and Beth knew she wanted to do more. It just felt comfortable and she enjoyed the approval from the...

Meet Michael Serrecchia

When Michael Serrecchia was two years old, his mother would teach him to sing as she did the ironing. Michael took that opportunity to learn bits of Broadway hits and top 40s tunes so he could sing them to his father when he came home for lunch. Adorable! It was clear...